Monday, April 9, 2012

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   I was born in Santiago for 1992 in Summer. Then I lived my childhood in Maipú, in my little home in a little street with all my neighbors and very happy ("It's Ok, I suppose"). When I grew up began to study in a school of center named Blas Cañas and here I studied the Basic. Here I was known among the inspectors by my bad behavior but it doesn't matter too much because when I finish this stage I was really apreciated. Then I went to Instituto Nacional to study the Medium and here I meet my best friend (inside and out) and they are my best friend to this day, fortunately.
   When I finish this studies, I enter USACH in 2010 to Industrial Civil Engineering and some of my very close friends enter the same university to study many different careers, so I meet to much with their and we shared the lunch time. But I had small problems related to my interest and this had no relation with my career (not even to my taste), so during the last year I decide enter to Sociology (hopefully) in Universidad de Chile, and it was happily c: but also foreing to many friends.
    With my family always been a tense relations, but nothing out of ordinary. With my sister I had a very good relation. We ear the same style of music and we have many tastes in common, but she doesn't like reading as much as I. We hope go together to the Blur concert at the end of the year.


  1. Blur concert? Diuggg hahaha Perhaps this, I supposed that you are a good person xDD

  2. hi, I don't read anything, but I have a question.. why you enter to Industrial Civil Engineering before?
    PD: empanada of cheese, the perfect launch

  3. Are you the guy that take the same bus than me? haha, LOL

  4. If Blur announces a concert in Chile, wow...I would dance naked above someone's table and probably scream like a little teenager

    let's keep our fingers crossed
