Monday, April 23, 2012

her name is Deborah c:

This is my MP4 player. Her name is Deborah like a song of a British band: Pulp. I have had my MP4 player since more than a year (is the player that has lasted the most, all the other players during about 7 or 8 months :c), although three months ago suddenly it stop of work and had to take it to service centre to repair. It was free cause through the warrantee.
I use Deborah every day in every place, generally in the way from home to University  or in return. I like listen to music every night before sleep meanwhile smoke the last cigarette of the day. Sometimes I don’t hear people that talking to me because generally I listen to music at high volume.
I like Deborah cause she bring me the music that a love wherever and wherever. I save  money for a long time to buy her with a lot of memory, she has 8 GB full of music :D Sometimes, when I forget recharge her, my travel to anywhere are too boring and I begin to count the cars.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, when I see "Deborah" in the tittle inmediately think about the Pulp song!

    Now I have to think, which could be the name for my mp4

  3. You're the only people that I know that put a name to his music player! LOL

  4. do you have full all the GB of your mp4 player? it's amazing! hahaa

  5. I have see you on the University using Deborah! You have style ;)
