Monday, July 9, 2012

my personal blogging experiencie

About three months ago began my experience with blog. Although three years ago I had a personal blog with personals writings, bit by bit I left to occupy it and one day I forget the password and, in reality, this social network seemed to me some boring in those moments. But along these months I learned the real charm. The fact of writing about my personals tastes made it easy to develop the issues. The experience with the blog became interesting writing about issues that I experiment every day, like the music that I like, the movies that I see (constantly), and the books that I read in every moment that I can (I have to read a lot of text for my others subjects). In this sense, I thought that write about personals taste is a very good method to practise the written English, because the themes are not very foreign and this proximity with the words that we write makes feel that the blog is too own.
After this, are quite clear the advantages that I see with this method; and, in my opinion, the only one big disadvantages is the impossibility to practise the spoken English, but this part of the learning is constantly practise with others method in the class :D

Monday, June 25, 2012


This photography shows a stranger. But I know this stranger, a lot of people told me about him. This stranger more than “a stranger” is “the Stranger”, so I’m going to refer to him in this way. I don’t know how or where he born, but Jorge Luis told me that he was immortal for a while, or at least he thought that, because he doesn’t know that he can die (like the animals). When he had to live in Aracata, collect yellows butterflies and Gabriel saw when his wife, America, kill herself with cyanide. Since this moment, every time that he smell bittersweet almonds, he can’t avoid remember her. Although, the worst part of his life was when he played the sax and the people called him “Johnny”, meanwhile with Julio forming a fan club for Glenda with no success. Finally, together with AndrĂ©s in 1984, they read dystopian histories of Bradbury, Orwell and Huxley and try to make a brand new world, until his books were burned. So, somehow, I know this stranger, although when I took this photography meanwhile he waits his bus to go home, I had a lot of jealous.

Monday, June 11, 2012

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


Today I’m going to talk about Stanley Kubrick’s movie The Shining. Based in the homonym novel of Stephen King, this is one of the last movies of Kubrick and is considered one of his classic works. Starring by Jack Nicholson (Jack Torrance), Shelley Duvall (Wendy Torrance) and Danny Loyd (Danny Torrance); this movie was first in use a new technologic to stabilize the cam named “Steadicam”.  His genre can be considered like a mix in Horror and Drama.
This movie is based in the ship of the Torrance’s family to Overlook Hotel, when Jack, the father, got a job as winter caretaker. But suddenly, due to an unexpected storm , the family is trapped and isolated in the Hotel. The movie turn around the different aspects and peculiarity: the frustration and then madness of Jack, the weakness of Wendy’s attitude and the ultra-sensory perception of the kid Danny (the “shining”). This is conjugated with the personal impression that Kubrick give in his movies (scenes likes the bloody hallway, the room 237, the maze, etc.).
It was the second film that I see of Kubrick (the first one was “2001: A Space Odyssey”) and this movie make Kubrick my favorite director (together with Tarantino); although I don’t know too much about movies and I’m not very clever critic; but I have my little and personal selection of movies that make me feel any strong sensation… and THIS movie make me feel a lot of sensation every time that I see C:

Monday, June 4, 2012


I choose to speak about Emmanuelle Barozet. She comes from France and have a Master in History and Civilization in the Institut d’Études Politiques of ParĂ­s and a PhD of Sociology in l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris. She belongs to the scholars of the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of Chile since 2006, but she teaches in other institution like USACH, Universidad CatĂ³lica and Universidad Arturo Pratt of Iquique. Besides, she had a lot of publication in too many magazines and she had written some chapter of book, her investigation is based in social stratification and social network. Also, she is director in the Inequalities Project. Finally, she is my teacher in the class of Contemporary World History and, in my opinion, is the best teacher on this semester. She is very strict and her tests are so complicated (a lot of us can’t sleep very well in the previous day). But, personally, I’m a bit of psychotic with this class because I try to memorise all... And this is easy for me because she is very structured, and I love it! 


Today I will speak about bikes. They are the perfect vehicle for the town because are the most efficient way to travel distances of 5 km or less. Although I learn to cycling at the 10, I started to used the bike on a regular basis just a few of years because in those times I lost my TNE and I started to occupy the bike to go to school and then to everywere. So I like a lot travel to different places feeling the wind on my face and go to anywhere without any hurry. I like to ride a bike because my sister goes with me everywhere. After 37 kilometers we traveled all over Santiago and arrived very tired at home. However, it is very difficult bike in Santiago because there are very few bike lanes and cars do not respect us. Actually, a bus driver almost ran over my sister :D