Monday, June 25, 2012


This photography shows a stranger. But I know this stranger, a lot of people told me about him. This stranger more than “a stranger” is “the Stranger”, so I’m going to refer to him in this way. I don’t know how or where he born, but Jorge Luis told me that he was immortal for a while, or at least he thought that, because he doesn’t know that he can die (like the animals). When he had to live in Aracata, collect yellows butterflies and Gabriel saw when his wife, America, kill herself with cyanide. Since this moment, every time that he smell bittersweet almonds, he can’t avoid remember her. Although, the worst part of his life was when he played the sax and the people called him “Johnny”, meanwhile with Julio forming a fan club for Glenda with no success. Finally, together with Andrés in 1984, they read dystopian histories of Bradbury, Orwell and Huxley and try to make a brand new world, until his books were burned. So, somehow, I know this stranger, although when I took this photography meanwhile he waits his bus to go home, I had a lot of jealous.


  1. Really, you are a crazy man... you have to go to a psychiatry... hahaha :D

  2. Maybe is because I felt so tired, or I need to wake up or any reason, but I don't understand your post at all xD sorry

  3. I think you are crazy too!!
    your post is very creative jajaja

    take care :)

  4. I think you're so crazy and hipster.

  5. Remember that you have to do Blog N°10. Please, visit my blog to learn about the details.

    PD:... I guess we all have felt immortal sometime... isn't happiness all about that?, I wonder.. if he collects butterflies, perhaps he is the "Butterfly collector" (1965, William Wyler)... creepy!!!!
